Scumbag priests are safe in our corrupt state

Letter in today’s Irish Times.

The last paragraph, which I have highlighted, is the crucial question.

Why aren’t the scumbags at the highest level of the vile Catholic Church, who have clearly perverted the course of justice, prosecuted?

The answer, as I wrote in a recent article, is simple.

Bishops, Cardinals and other senior priests are part of the ruling elite of our corrupt state and are therefore automatically immune from any kind of prosecution whatsoever.


I am pleased to see that our Government is beginning to take seriously the unfriendly and aggressive activities of a foreign state on Irish soil.

The Government should make a statement to clarify that canon law is meaningless under Irish law. It has no bearing whatsoever on whether a person’s behaviour was legal or justified.

Referring to compliance with canon law is about as relevant as referring to a company handbook as justification for breaking the law of the land. What matters is Irish law, and no one should be under any illusion about the exclusivity of Irish law over human behaviour in this State.

It is important to note that the value in the proposed law will be that it will impose criminal liability on people who don’t report suspected abuse.

However, what has happened here and in other jurisdictions is that people have deliberately acted to hide crimes, by moving abusers around, and the like.

This is categorically different from simply not reporting, and it needs no new law to impose criminal liability.

Anyone who acts to pervert the course of justice can be prosecuted for doing so. The evidence that this was done on a wide scale is in the public domain.

For the life of me, I cannot see why people are not prosecuted for this.

Yours, etc.

Cormac MacGowan,
Minaun Crinnage,
Co Galway.

There are none so stupid as those who believe Bertie Ahern

My brother mentioned to me the other day that Mary O’Rourke hosted last week’s Tonight with Vincent Browne while Browne was on holiday.

Yeah, right, said I, pull the other one.

But is was true and not only that but on the first night the nation was ‘treated’ to the ordeal of watching Bertie Ahern and Martin Mansergh waffle on about their involvement in something called the Peace Process connected to some long drawn out dirty war fought out on an obscure island somewhere on the remote edge of Europe.

Events in our pathetic banana republic become more surreal by the day.

Here we have O’Rourke, Ahern and Mansergh, three senior members of the most corrupt political party in the country, the party principally responsible for the destruction of our country, given open and unsupervised access to a television studio to waffle on about their so called great work on behalf of the nation.

But it seems that these obnoxious individuals are not without some support.

It appears that even now, after all that has happened, there are still some extremely stupid people out there who believe that scumbags like Bertie Ahern are men of honour.

One such idiot is some guy called John-Paul McCarthy.

Writing in today’s Sunday Independent this fool who, unbelievably, holds a doctorate in history from Oxford, thinks that Bertie Ahern will most likely be regarded as the most progressive Fianna Fail Taoiseach since Jack Lynch.

Here’s some of what the idiot had to say in defence of Bertie the scumbag.

Judge Mahon found easy prey when confronted by the chaotic private life of a man recovering from a traumatic separation. (And while his findings conjured up a media tsunami large enough to force a popular Taoiseach into retirement, Ahern’s eccentric personal book-keeping seems almost comically serene when compared to the endemic dishonesty in the banking world.)

After that, the Lehman Brothers collapse and the implosion of his handpicked successor finished off what was left of Ahern’s reputation.

The fact that McCarthy actually believes Ahern’s lies immediately confirms him as a first class moron.

Even the most ignorant, bog trotting, backwoodsmen members of the Fianna Fail party now take everything Ahern says with a large grain of salt.

McCarthy’s defence of Ahern can be summed up as follows.

Judge Mahon and his tribunal were out to get Ahern.

The media were out to get Ahern.

Ahern was confused (for years) because his marriage broke up.

The dishonesty of the banks was worse therefore Ahern is innocent.

Lehman Brothers were to blame. Fecking hell, is there no limit to this moron’s stupidity?

Brian Cowen’s failures were to blame.

There’s some truth in this in so far as the drunken buffoon who succeeded Ahern was so chronically incompetent, even by the extremely low standards of Fianna Fail.

McCarthy tells us that the programme was worth watching because of the genial, even playful, interaction between Bertie Ahern and David Trimble.

I could only manage the first ten minutes or so before beginning to retch.

Copy to:

Michael D under pressure from 'peasant'

Presidential hopeful, Michael D Higgins, was on radio today (Friday) answering questions from listeners.

Early on Mr. Higgins made his position clear regarding transparency.

It’s very important in this debate we’re going to have for the Presidency that people be absolutely straight about what the President can and cannot do.

These high ideals took a bit of a tumble when a listener made the suggestion that if elected Mr. Higgins should fulfil his role as President on an honorary basis. That he should accept no salary and instead live on his various pensions.

This is an excellent suggestion because, as president, Mr. Higgins will incur no costs whatsoever, no rent, transport, entertainment, laundry, not even a television or dog licence.

Any cost he did incur, and I can’t think of a single example, could easily be paid for from one of his many generous state pensions.

Such example would, I’m sure, inspire the oppressed and desperate people of Ireland and convince them that at least one member of the ruling elite is feelilng their pain.

Alas, Michael D, in common with most Irish political ‘leaders’, is strong on bullshit rhetoric but very squeamish when it comes to giving up his ‘entitlements’.

I do not intend to draw my pensions from the Oireachtas, Ministry or whatever while I am President.

That ‘whatever’ seems to suggest that Mr. Higgins is not quite sure just how many pensions he’s in receipt of.

Neither does he make clear whether his numerous pensions will be accumulating while he is President, just that he won’t be drawing them while in the job.

The listener ignored this non answer and persisted with his original question.

The current president took a voluntary cut in her salary?

She did, agreed Mr. Higgins, but went on;

Frankly, I think that one should respect the division between the Oireachtas, Government and the Presidency.

One should, of course, especially when ‘disrespect’ could result in a loss of income.

I wonder what herself up in the park would think of Michael Ds accusation that her voluntary salary cut was a disrespectful act against the State, not amused one would imagine.

The listener was not to be diverted.

You could decide that the salary was over generous.

Mr. Higgins, growing ever more uncomfortable;

Well, I think it is capable of being reduced but I’ll tell you why I don’t like this notion of doing it (the job) on an honorary basis – It reminds me of landlordism.


It reminds me of previous centuries when only those who could afford out of their munificence and riches to preside over what were regarded as the peasants who weren’t rich enough to participate.

We have now entered the dark depths of Irish political logic where, in order to protect monetary ‘entitlements’, reality is frequently turned on its head.

Mr. Higgins feels that to accept a cut in the massive salary and expenses enjoyed by the President would somehow offend ordinary ‘peasants’ who are struggling to put food on the table for their children.

The pesky listener just wouldn’t let go of the issue.

You could draw your pensions and live on them?

But Mr. Higgins had reached the end of his patience with this annoying peasant.

I haven’t thought that out to be quite honest with you. I haven’t been considering the financial aspect but (regal tone adopted) I will bear all these suggestions that come forward.

Now, away with you, you dirty peasant said Higgins as he gave orders for the listener to be arrested and beheaded at dawn.

Ah no, that last sentence is only a joke.

Peasant laws rigorously enforced

The Gardai and the Dept of Social Protection are involved in a major investigation into social welfare fraud.

Five people were arrested as part of the investigation and are being held in various Dublin Garda stations under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act. A large quantity of documents were also seized in the raids.

Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton said;

I’ve met with the Revenue Commissioners I’m taking new powers in the Social Welfare Act to have joint working groups.

Every Euro saved on fraud is money that can go to pay our pensioners and child benefit.

As a country we have to change the culture of social welfare and black economy fraud.

An RTE reporter excitedly reported that Garda were operating a new type of investigation whereby social welfare fraudsters can be brought before the courts on indictment thus bringing them before the higher courts almost immediately.

Gardai in the Fraud Bureau are also training Dept. of Social Protection inspectors on how to gather evidence that’s presentable before the courts.

If evidence is gathered in a particular way it will allow Gardai to get a warrant almost immediately, arrest these social welfare fraudsters and prosecute them at a higher level.

So, let’s take a break from all this exciting law enforcement to summarise the situation.

The police are taking immediate and strong action on receipt of allegations of wrong doing.

The police are arresting people suspected of financial fraud under the Criminal Justice Act.

The seizure of large quantities of documents, we presume, will in no way hinder quick prosecutions and jail sentences where appropriate.

A Government minister is actively involved in the operation and has no hesitation whatsoever in using all legislative powers at her disposal.

Politicians, police, Dept of Social Protection and the Revenue Commissioners are all working together in a concerted effort to prevent financial fraud and bring those who break the law to immediate justice.

This, of course, is the way things should be done in a real democracy. These fraudsters deserve everything they get.

Unfortunately, in a dysfunctional democracy like Ireland, law enforcement of this intensity, coordination and cooperation is strictly reserved for the peasant class.

The white collar criminals that infest the financial, political and business sectors, the vermin who destroyed our country, continue to enjoy full protection within a hopelessly corrupt state.

Atheism and Communism

Letter in this week’s Irish Catholic.

A ridiculous assertion

Dear Editor,

Your columnist Mary Kenny is a well established, well respected journalist and author.

It is therefore unlikely that her ridiculous and totally untrue assertion that atheism is nothing more than an off-shoot of Communism is a result of ignorance or bad research.

It is therefore reasonable to conclude that she has allowed her strong religious beliefs to cloud her journalistic professionalism.

Yours etc.
Anthony Sheridan

Healy-Rae phone calls: Theft

Irish Times letter.


It is clear that Dáil office practices deviate from generally accepted business conventions.

No employee in the private sector would risk making premium rate phone calls, because it would likely be flagged and disciplinary action taken for the theft as soon as the invoice was reviewed by the payables department (Breaking News, June 28th).

Indeed, such phone calls would be blocked. Are people calling psychics hotlines as well?

Few companies would distribute money without receipts, expense reports and other supporting documentation.

This total lack of accountability and absence of political will to introduce accountability to Leinster House would give any official in the ECB or IMF pause.

Would politicians consider the theft of €3,000 in cash by a drug user any differently?

Yours, etc,

SE Lydon,
Eagle Valley,

All alone on Patrick's Street

I was in Cork city last Sunday when, coincidently, the annual Corpus Christi procession was taking place.

As a result, the city’s principal thoroughfare, Patrick Street, was blocked off for the occasion.

Standing outside Waterstones, just next to Daunt Square where the religious ceremony was winding up, I had a fit of eccentricity and decided to walk down the length of Cork’s premier street.

It was a surreal experience not just because of the rare opportunity to walk down the middle of a vehicle free Patrick Street but also to observe how the general population reacted to the occasion.

I found myself all alone on the wilderness of the street as hundreds of citizens milled about on the footpaths either side of me.

All dutiful citizens continuing to obey the law even though it had been suspended for those few hours.

Even the famous Cork jay walkers, who can usually be seen strolling about amidst the heavy traffic, were absent.

Perhaps their confused brain radars only operate when traffic is present.

As I approached a pedestrian crossing it was interesting to observe a group of people pushing the pedestrian button, look up and down for traffic and then cross.

What were they expecting, to be run over by the only traffic on the street – myself?

Mmmm…Maybe they were.

Frank Daly, CEO of NAMA, is not to be trusted

Frank Daly heaved a great sigh of relief as he slumped into his favourite armchair after a hard days work as chairman of the National Asset Management Agency (NAMA).

His wife, reading the signs, was sympathetic.

Hard day at the office dear?

Yes, replied Frank, even harder than usual.

You poor dear, was it some nasty blogger asking awkward questions again?

No, even worse, I had to tell the Taoiseach what he was thinking.

My goodness, Frank, your mind reading powers never fail to astonish me. What was going on in our silly Taoiseach’s mind this time?

Somehow he got the idea that NAMA was doing something dodgy, maybe even illegal.

No, Frank, how could he possibly think such a nasty thought?

You wouldn’t understand dear but after taking a look around his brain I quickly realized that what he really meant to say was something dodgy could happen and that he was asking NAMA to make sure it didn’t happen.

Of course that’s the situation Frank. Did our silly Taoiseach accept that his mouth was saying words that weren’t in his brain at all?

Oh yes, he knows his place, he knows who’s in charge of NAMA.

This, of course, is fictional except for the part where Frank Daly tells our Prime Minister that what he’s saying is not what he’s thinking which saw Kenny tuck his tail between his legs and run home.

I first heard of the alleged dodgy dealings within NAMA last February when then Fianna Fail Senator, Mark Daly made a series of very serious allegations on live radio.

I felt the allegations were so serious that I reproduced and published the entire interview and sent a copy to the National Assets Management Agency (NAMA), the National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA), the Dept. of Finance and to the Office of Corporate Enforcement (ODCE).

It’s not that I was expecting any of these agencies to actually act on the allegations, that’s not going to happen until we get a new republic.

It was more to make sure that at least they were aware of the allegations.

And what about Mr. Daly, the mind reader? Can the people of Ireland believe this man when he says there are no dodgy dealings going on within NAMA?

The answer is no, this man cannot be trusted.

He’s just one of a long list of senior civil servants whose actions and decisions almost always seem to benefit powerful people and institutions at the expense of Ireland and its citizens.

An incredible report in the Irish Times of Feb 6th 2004 on bogus non-resident accounts, when Mr. Daly was chairman of the Revenue, will make the point.

In the report Revenue claimed they could find no evidence that banks had encouraged customers to set up bogus non-resident accounts.

This, of course, is a blatant lie. There was, and still is, overwhelming evidence that the banks did encourage customers to break the law.

When Daly was asked about the matter by the Public Accounts Committee he said:

The banks would have brought the shutters down if Revenue had pursued officials aggressively. We had to go about this in a pragmatic way.

So here is a man who refused to act against widespread and well known wrong doing within the banking sector telling us not to worry about the very serious allegations made against the organization he presently controls.

Given his disgraceful decision not to pursue the banks on the bogus non-resident accounts scandal can the people of Ireland trust Frank Daly to act in their interests rather than taking the ‘pragmatic’ route?

In my opinion the answer is no, Frank Daly is not a man that can be trusted.

Copy to:

Frank Daly
Dept of Finance