The docile Irish

On the 7th February last, I published an email written by Irish actor Brendan Gleeson describing the horrific conditions his parents had to endure in an Irish hospital. On last Friday’s Late Late Show he again spoke about the matter and because it was live, it was possible to see and feel his deep anger and hurt. Here’s what he had to say;

‘There are people here whose parents are going to die in disgusting circumstances. The only reason people aren’t burning the offices of the health board is because the staff are keeping the people, in as much as they can, in some sort of human situation, but this is absolutely disgusting. John O’Shea of GOAL should come into Ireland and we’ll give him some charity money and let him sort out what we are doing to our old people.

Now I’d like to ask, if they don’t sort this thing in three to six months, anybody who votes for this crowd to get back in next time, might as well shoot themselves. I’ll be honest with you; I don’t think much of the other crowd either. There’s no point in being negative and funny about it, this is really really upsetting.

Do you know what it’s like if your going to vote for this crowd at the moment, this is the way I feel about it – That if somebody came in and started punching your mother and father around the room and you went up and patted them on the back and said “sure I know you must be upset’. It is disgusting that we are allowing people to die when we have billions, a baboon could sort this bloody thing out.

The professor Drumm’s and the Mary Harney’s and all this shower and…you know what’s on the oncology department wall – Michael Martin’s name on a plaque, an oncology department where my mother in law was dying, where they were people on chairs with grieving people, there were people trying to fight for life and cling on to hope beside people who were dead – and this moron’s name is on a plaque, when he screwed the place from the time he went in to the time he left – what the bloody hell is going on?

You can watch the whole clip here.

At the end of my post last February, I asked the question – ‘Why are the Irish people so docile and politically ignorant? I would like to rephrase that. The Irish people are docile because they are politically ignorant.

It is only when an individual or political party emerges that can educate the Irish people in how to get angry that we will begin to see an end to the corruption, incompetence and arrogance that has blighted our country for decades.

Crime does pay – If your collar is white

In today’s Irish Times, Arthur Beesley further analyses the Galway oil cartel case that saw JP Lambe, a major criminal, get away with a mere six months suspended sentence and a €15,000 fine.

Lambe was described as “the enforcer’ in this operation where those distributors who wanted to stay honest were bullied and intimidated into towing the line. It is also reported that cartels might be costing Irish consumers as much as €635 million per year.

Let’s compare this case of organised crime to another recent case.

Cara Canavan (33), the mother of two small children was sentenced to two years in prison for stealing €146,000 from the HSE. In her defence, Mrs. Canavan claimed that she is a suicidal manic depressive.

The judge was clear in his reasoning for handing down such a harsh sentence.

‘A sentence had to act as a deterrent not just for the accused person but for others who might commit a similar crime.”

In my opinion the discrepancy between the two sentences can be, at least partly, explained by the colour of their collars. Mrs Canavan is a blue collar worker. When someone from this section of the community commits a crime they must be severely punished as a deterrent – ‘for others who might commit a similar crime”. It goes without saying, of course, that those without collars at all are in need of the most severe deterrents.

Mr Lambe, on the other hand, is a white collar criminal. In some circles, even the use of the word “criminal’ is a bit harsh for these people. Indeed, to my knowledge, the police don’t even include white collar crime in annual reports.

Bank officials who rob millions from their customers, Ansbacher account holders, major tax evaders, cartel enforcers, politicians who receive large amounts of “forgotten’ money and so on.

These people are not “really’ criminals. They’re upstanding members of the community, “robust’ businessmen, committed politicians, whose “good to the community/economy/State, far outweighs any “minor’ infringements of the law.

Confidential police files – only friends need apply

It was reported in last Saturday’s Daily Irish Mail that there is no record in Department of Justice files of any written or verbal request from Irish Independent journalist Sam Smyth requesting information on Frank Connolly’s alleged false passport application.

Both Sam Smyth and Justice Minister Michael McDowell have stated that an official request was made for the information. Former Minister for Justice, John O’Donoghue was asked about the matter on last night’s The Week in Politics programme.

O’Donoghue was asked why the Department of Justice was refusing an FOI request from TG4 reporter Tomas O Mainnin to release the alleged photograph of Frank Connolly that formed part of the bogus passport application form.

O’Donoghue’s answer was unequivocal:

‘There is no such thing as Freedom of Information where Garda files are concerned”

Readers will remember that this is the picture that Sam Smyth said was so indistinct that he couldn’t swear that it was a photograph of Frank Connolly. The photograph and the file that accompanied it are the basis for McDowell’s claim that the authority of the State was being undermined and justified his actions that led to the destruction of the good name of an innocent citizen.

But how does O’Donoghue’s statement square with the facts of the case which are:

1 – McDowell handed over a confidential Garda file to a journalist who is also a close personal friend.
2 – The handing over of the file resulted in the destruction of the good name of an innocent citizen/journalist and the cutting off of funds to an organisation investigating corruption in Irish public life.
3 – Both men claim that the file was handed over only after an official request. It now seems that there is no record of any such request.
4 – McDowell has stated that the file was given to Smyth simply because he was the only journalist to ask for it but now the Department of Justice is refusing to hand over just the photograph from the file to a TG4 journalist.

And former Minister for Justice O’Donoghue says that this refusal is right and proper on security grounds?

Corruption in a state Vs A corrupt state

“The truth is I broke the law, concealed my conduct, and disgraced my office. I know that I will forfeit my freedom, my reputation, my worldly possessions, most importantly, the trust of my friends and family.”

These are the words of Randy “Duke” Cunningham, former US Congressman and Vietnam War pilot Today he was sentenced to eight years in jail for tax evasion and receiving kickbacks from a variety of un-named sources in the form of cheques, gifts of antiques and free holidays.

Cunningham was a member of the political party that rules America, the most powerful country in the world, he is a decorated Vietnam War hero, at 64 years of age he is an elderly man and yet, less than three years after he came under investigation, he is in jail. He wasn’t even allowed visit his 91 year old mother before they clamped him in irons.
Here’s what the judge had to say:

‘You weren’t wet. You weren’t cold. You weren’t hungry and yet you did these things, I think what you’ve done is you’ve undermined the opportunity that honest politicians have to do a good job.”

Meanwhile, here in the corrupt Republic of Ireland we also have a politician that broke the law, concealed his conduct and disgraced his office – Charles Haughey. However, because Haughey lives in a corrupt state, he has no worries about jail. He lives in happy retirement in a luxurious mansion feted by friends and supporters.

During his career, Haughey received massive “funding’ from known and unknown businessmen, he also received substantial financial support from Allied Irish Banks, the most corrupt bank in Ireland (Neither the bank nor Haughey have ever been made to account for their corruption). He robbed millions through tax evasion, he robbed substantial sums of taxpayer’s money from the Party Leaders Fund and he lied under oath (Perjury) at the McCracken Tribunal.

Unlike Congressman Cunningham, Haughey will not have to forfeit his freedom or his worldly possessions and there is a strong campaign to rescue his reputation. This campaign obviously has the support of our Prime Minister, Bertie Ahern, who recently stated that Haughey, was a “wonderful man’ who did his country proud.

The difference between the treatment of Cunningham and Haughey represents the difference between a state that suffers from corruption but uses the law to control the disease and a country that is a corrupt entity in itself and therefore has little interest in bringing the corrupt to justice.

The magic world of 'Policyland'

During a debate in the Dail yesterday on the brutal Neary scandal Mary Harney performed the ultimate Pontius Pilot act.

‘The Health Service Executive (HSE) now has responsibility for operational matters. However, I am more than willing to answer policy questions’

Policy?? Well, policy is like discussing metaphysics. Any one tiny point can be endlessly discussed. After hours of such productive waffle, everybody packs up and goes home for lunch, no harm done. No responsibility, no decisions, no worries.

‘What did you do at work today Mommy?’ I discussed policy honey and that’s what I’ll be doing tomorrow and every other day of my very “rewarding’ life.

What’s policy Mommy? It’s a magical world, honey, where special humans can enjoy lots of money, power and privilege without having to face and deal with the horrible things that happen to real people in the real world.

Operational matters?? Matters like the brutal mutilation of dozens of women, billions lost through corruption and incompetence, the theft of millions from the elderly over a 27 year period, the taking of children’s organs without permission, the suffering of thousands forced to lie on trolley’s or fight for chairs while they wait endlessly for treatment. These are just some of the “operational matters’ that the HSE are thought capable of dealing with while Mary waffles on about policy.

Here’s an example of capability within the HSE. Recently, they were asked the most basic question any organisation can be asked – How many people do you employ?


‘We don’t know and we believe it will be years before we can figure out the exact number’

Enough said.

Dodgy round up

The following is a round – up of the latest dodgy dealings, corruption and incompetence in 21st century Ireland.

Dodgy Dogs The greyhound scandal is at the report stage. It means that nobody can talk about it and hopefully the public will have forgotten the details before the report is published, if it is published. It has already cost the taxpayer millions. No one will be held accountable. Deals will be done, “arrangement’ will be made, the taxpayer will pay.

Dodgy Fish Recently the Government was forced to admit that there was widespread criminality going on in the fisheries business. This kind of behaviour does massive damage to the environment and will destroy the prospects for future generations. The EU has finally lost patience with the cowardice and incompetence of Irish politicians and has penalized all those involved in the fishing industry.

Dodgy Farmers Fourteen years ago the Government was told by the EU to bring in controls on the spreading of nitrates by farmers. Most of this nitrate spreading is unnecessary and does massive damage to water supplies. Because of political cowardice in the face of farmer power and greed, the EU is on the brink of imposing very heavy fines on Irish taxpayers. Incompetent and cowardly politicians are frantically trying to find a compromise which will allow farmers to continue their pollution of the water.

Thieving Solicitors. March should see some developments into the theft of tens of thousands by solicitors from their most vulnerable clients. The solicitors have the full backing of the Government and the law to deal with these people (their victims) as they see fit. The Law Society is conducting their investigations in secret, no independent or Government observers. The victims are not represented or allowed to be present to defend their case. Prediction – No solicitor will be struck off, no solicitor will face charges. Minimum “punishment’ will apply. The Law Society will be allowed to continue to operate as a virtual secret society.

Dublin Riot. For months, everybody knew there would be trouble – except the Gardai. A Garda spokesman admitted that they didn’t have the right equipment but reassured Pat Kenny that, if needed, they could borrow two water canons from the PSNI. Countless billions rolling around the Celtic Tiger and our police force have to beg for equipment from another country. The Garda helicopter was also unavailable due to “technical’ problems. The elastic band was probably broken.

Dodgy deal in Limerick. Dick Roche is still investigating the deal struck by Limerick City Council to sell off part of a public park that it didn’t own to a private developer. ‘Must make sure this never happen again…’ ‘Must look to the future…’ ‘Lessons will have to be learned…’ Developer will win. Someone in Limerick City Council will probably win. The taxpayer and the citizens of Limerick will lose.

Then there’s the carnage on the roads, the Neary case, the Cosgrave case, Frank Dunlop and Fianna Fail corruption and I’m just reading of the latest scandal – A Galway based home heating oil company has admitted to being involved in a price fixing ring which a number of oil distribution companies were operating in the West of Ireland in 2001 and 2002.

Remember, these are just a few examples of the most recent corruption, incompetence and dodgy dealings in this great little banana republic. I could go on…but I’m tired….very tired

Cosgrave gets community service

What he is guilty of:

Liam Cosgrave pleaded guilty to knowingly furnishing a falsified donation statement where he failed to declare that he had received any donation exceeding IR£500 between May 15th and December 31st, 1997.

What happened:

The judge heard that the subject matter of the offence before her was a £2,500 cheque received by Cosgrave from a Mr Dunlop. Cosgrave spoke to gardaa­ by appointment in relation to the matter on June 8th, 2004, following an investigation by the National Bureau of Criminal Investigation.

What was done in return for this ‘donation’?

Different states – Different standards

I see an Israeli court has sentenced Ariel Sharon’s son Omri to nine months in jail for illegally funding his father’s 1999 campaign.

“This is a swamp of political corruption and it must be dried up,” Judge Edna Beckenstein wrote in the ruling.

So what did Omri do? Seems he broke party funding laws and committed perjury. Is that all? That kind of thing is a national pastime here.

Out in his mansion in Kinsealy, Haughey, our most accomplished perjurer, lives in luxurious retirement. No worries about jail for him as he basks in praise from our current leader who recently described Charlie as a “wonderful man’.

Here’s some of what the Jersusalem Post had to say.

‘Like the public, and perhaps under the influence of public opinion, the courts are becoming increasingly intolerant of corruption by public figures. The 2003 election for the 16th Knesset was a milestone in public revulsion against this kind of corruption, when every day seemed to yield a new scandal.’

How long will it be before Irish public opinion wields such power?

Economic foundations tested

Last November, I reported on how the US Government was becoming increasingly alarmed at how the Irish economy was used as a virtual giant laundering operation by American companies intent on evading paying US taxes. Although the IDA have said they are not worried about the situation, it seems the Americans are about to take action. Could be dodgy times ahead.

IN A stark warning to the IDA and others who promote US investment in Ireland, senior American cabinet minister John Snow pledged last week that his administration was developing rules to halt “tax abuse” involving US companies transferring intellectual property and patents to overseas tax havens.

The IDA denies that Ireland is a tax haven, and a spokeswoman yesterday said the authority did not feel threatened by the remarks of the treasury secretary.

However, his remarks indicated that the American concerns over what Microsoft and other multinationals have been doing in relocating assets, was raising concerns at a high level in Washington last week.

“We feel the existing rules have not been effective at getting at this problem,” Snow told the senate finance committee meeting. He was questioned about media reports that said US companies have slashed their tax bills by transferring intellectual property to low-tax countries.

He was particularly quizzed about details of how Microsoft had shaved at least $500m from its annual tax bill by vesting $16bn in an Irish company, Round Island One Ltd. The Irish firm, the reports said, received licensing fees from copyrighted software that originates in the US but pays low Irish taxes on this revenue.

While Mr Snow didn’t mention Microsoft, he said the pending rules aim to remove “some of the incentives to engage in the sorts of behaviours that deny revenues to the United States treasury . . . this is a serious issue and we need to deal with it,” the treasury secretary insisted.

His officials are believed to be working on changes in the rules on the migration of intellectual and intangible property offshore and are expected to have new rules in place later this year.