Catholic god throws a tantrum – thousands die

Last week, writing about RTEs obsession with all things Northern Ireland, I jokingly suggested that perhaps the end days were close to hand because of recent catastrophes like the Haiti earthquake, the Icelandic volcano eruption and the possibility that there could be a split in the Unionist vote in Fermanagh/south Tyrone.

But there are those who believe that there’s a more serious message in recent events.

Pat O’Leary, columnist in the Irish Catholic, warns that recent events could be the work of (her) god warning humans that their quality of homage was not up to scratch.

Where is it all going to end we wonder?

In a world and in a Europe today that tries to ignore the existence of God, it is not beyond the bonds of possibility that we are being reminded that we need to recognize and pay due homage to our Creator.

And there I was thinking that the deaths of more than 230,000 people in Haiti was an horrendous tragedy brought about by natural forces when in fact it was actually the work of a god throwing a tantrum because his due homage wasn’t up to scratch.

The child abuse that is religious indoctrination

The following letter was published in this week’s Irish Catholic in response to the claim by the Pope’s right hand man, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, that there’s a relationship between homosexuality and paedophilia.

The letter demonstrates how the child abuse that is religious indoctrination can destroy the happiness of an innocent human being.

Dear Editor,

Is what Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone said true? I really find it hard to believe.

I am a Catholic who happens to be homosexual, through no choice of my own. I was taught as a child that I was evil and that God hated me, I believed it. I used to ask him why he hated me. I used to tell him that I had done nothing wrong, that I couldn’t understand his animosity. My bedtime prayer was, ‘please let me die’.

Was it right that an innocent six-year-old child should experience such a complete absence of love? Was it not another form of child abuse? For over 40 years, I have done everything to try and force God to love me. I have been celibate with all that entails – a life lived in solitary confinement, a heart that has never loved or been loved.

I go to Mass and pray the Rosary every day. I read the Bible every day and some other spiritual book. I am alone in a Church that gives the best impression it can that it despises homosexuals.

For 2,000 years, no Pope has ever publicly said one word of support or encouragement to people like me, never denounced the murderers or imprisonment of men who cannot help who and what they are. The few words reserved for us are always condemnatory.

And now, this. If it is true, why hasn’t the Pope come out strongly against it? Perhaps he agrees with him. Christ never mentioned us, never condemned us either. Are they just continuing His silence and adding their own slant to it?

The only people who ever show charity and understanding are lapsed or non-Catholics. Doesn’t that say it all?

After being persecuted by the Romans why did they have to begin persecuting others themselves? Shouldn’t they have known better? I don’t think it will ever change.

There is no light at the end of the tunnel. There never will be.

Yours etc.

(Name and address with editor)

A few simple words of truth exposes Archbishop Martin

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin was clearly very upset by the remarks of Dr Rowan Williams Archbishop of Canterbury (RTE News).

Williams’ (accurate) assertion that the Catholic Church in Ireland had lost all credibility drew an instant and strong response from Martin. He issued an immediate statement to the media saying he was ‘stunned’ by the remark.

Bishop Willie Walsh was sent out to express the outage felt by the hierarchy saying that the remark was harsh, over the top and went against all the evidence (Marian Finucane Show – Saturday).The evidence, he bizarrely claimed, was the huge number of people who had attended weekend Mass.

Then, amazingly, Archbishop Martin himself got onto the same show to express his stunned shock at such a terrible event.

Listening to the Archbishop it was clear what worried him most – that Williams’ (correct) assessment of the corrupt nature of the Irish Catholic Church was going to be broadcast by the BBC across the globe or, as Martin put it – Boomed across the world.

He was obviously shocked, that after all his careful manipulation of the Irish media and in particular RTE, a simple few words from Williams would see it all come to nothing when the brutal truth was broadcast across the globe by the most respected broadcasting agency on the planet.

In a desperate damage limitation move he announced that he was going to write immediately to Williams and would publish the correspondence if necessary.

Martin obviously felt that those few simple words were so damaging (revealing) that immediate and strong action was necessary to limit the damage.

In the end no letter demanding an apology was necessary. Williams, realising he had made what I call an ‘in house error’ immediately telephoned Martin and made an abject apology expressing his

deep sorrow and regret for difficulties that may have been created by his remarks.

So what was this spat all about? It has all to do with the truth. Williams, in an unguarded moment, uttered the brutal truth that the Catholic Church in Ireland is indeed without any credibility whatsoever.

How could a church that presided over a child abuse holocaust have any credibility especially when, as the truth began to seep out, it engaged in a long, well funded, well organised cover up?

And make no mistake about it Dr. Martin is part of that ongoing denial/cover up. Williams’ slip of the truth has damaged Martin’s well choreographed propaganda campaign of the last two years or so. His working of the media, and in particular RTE, has been a major and very successful part of his campaign.

In practically every interview Martin is treated with an over arching deference and in most cases, as in his interview with Marian Finucane on Saturday, is actually told what a great man he is.

This dishonest strategy was exposed during the bishops’ visit to the Pope recently. It was clear that nothing had changed, that the Catholic Church was still in denial, still engaged in a damage limitation strategy, still putting all its resources and power into protecting the church rather than admitting the brutal truth.

Archbishop Martin, the soft face of this strategy of dishonesty and denial, made no criticism whatsoever of the Pope’s failure to properly address the pain of the victims.

Neither did Martin express any criticism when the Pope’s pastoral letter blamed secularism for the child abuse holocaust.

It was the immediate, strong and panicked response by Martin to a few simple words of truth that has exposed his true position.

His response to the child abuse horror is, and always has been, strictly in line with the Vatican’s policy of putting the interests of the church before the safety of children.

Fortune Teller sentenced to death

A Lebanese national is about to be executed in Saudi Arabia for sorcery (BBC News).

Apparently, the man is guilty of the horrendous crime of fortune telling. In 2007 an Egyptian was executed for using sorcery to separate a married couple.

This religious barbarism is tolerated by the international community for one reason – Oil.

We can only hope that our Minister for the reenactment of medieval religious laws, Dermot Ahern, doesn’t get wind of this or we’ll soon see anti sorcery laws enacted here.

Our hypocritical president might also be tempted to apologise (again) on behalf of the Irish people for criticisms levied at this brutal regime.

Pope's pastoral letter – It was the secularists wot did it

The Pope’s pastoral letter to Irish Catholics leaves no doubt whatsoever as to who is to blame for the child abuse holocaust – Secularists.

The relevant section is worth quoting at length (My emphasis).

4. In recent decades, however, the Church in your country has had to confront new and serious challenges to the faith arising from the rapid transformation and secularization of Irish society.

Fast-paced social change has occurred, often adversely affecting people’s traditional adherence to Catholic teaching and values. All too often, the sacramental and devotional practices that sustain faith and enable it to grow, such as frequent confession, daily prayer and annual retreats, were neglected.

Significant too was the tendency during this period, also on the part of priests and religious, to adopt ways of thinking and assessing secular realities without sufficient reference to the Gospel.

The programme of renewal proposed by the Second Vatican Council was sometimes misinterpreted and indeed, in the light of the profound social changes that were taking place, it was far from easy to know how best to implement it. In particular, there was a well-intentioned but misguided tendency to avoid penal approaches to canonically irregular situations.

It is in this overall context that we must try to understand the disturbing problem of child sexual abuse, which has contributed in no small measure to the weakening of faith and the loss of respect for the Church and her teachings.

So there you have it.

It’s all the fault of secularists who successfully corrupted a previously pure, faithful and obedient society.

Secularists who successfully corrupted the holy minds of priests into adopting ways and assessing secular realities.

I’m delighted that the Pope, the Irish hierarchy and most Catholic opinion makers continue to lead the Catholic Church and its people down the road of denial.

Such cowardly stupidity ensures the continued destruction of this corrupt and evil institution and that is no bad thing.

Only the docile and ignorant could be proud

Here’s what our excuse for a Prime Minister told the world regarding the latest revelation in the ongoing child abuse holocaust of the Catholic Church.

It’s not a question for the State to get involved in Church matters, nor for the Church to be involved in State matters.

So, children are raped by a priest. Another priest covers up the crime and extracts an oath of secrecy from the victims.

Over the ensuing decades the cover up priest keeps his silence while he climbs the promotion ladder.

That silence is a direct facilitation of the rape, abuse and destruction of dozens, if not hundreds, more children and our excuse for a Prime Minister thinks the State has no role to play in the matter.

Only the ignorant and docile could be proud to be Irish today.

Proofs of god's existence

Came across this hilarious website with 666 (Is that figure an accident?) proofs that god exists. Some random samples…


(1) It might be blasphemous to say God doesn’t exist.
(2) I don’t want to be fined $35,000.
(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) God is perfect and has no body.
(2) When my phone rang, there was nobody there.
(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) Doh!
(2) Therefore, God exists.


(1) God bless America.
(2) You’re either with us or against us, remember.
(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) Terrorists destroyed the WTC, killing thousands.
(2) One piece of the rubble sort of looks like a cross.
(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) God, if you exist, please give me absolutely no sign.
(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) God exists.
(2) I don’t give a crap whether you believe it or not; I have better things to do than to try to convince you morons.
(3) Therefore, God exists.


(1) Fuck you.
(2) Therefore, God exists.

The facilitation of child rape by the Catholic Church

In a letter to the Irish Times a Fr. McDonagh refuted the suggestion by another letter writer that the Catholic Church should no longer be allowed control school boards because, as an organisation, it actively facilitated the molestation of generations of children.

There is, wrote Fr. McDonagh, a world of a difference between covering up these crimes and actively facilitating them.

Two days later, on Today with Pat Kenny (Fri. 5th Feb), a distraught American woman related how her life and the lives of her family were destroyed by the paedophile priest, Fr. Brendan Smyth.

He destroyed my entire family. He was moved around four states in the US, from parish to parish within those states. I think it is important for the people of Ireland to know the fraudulent concealment that is still going on within the Catholic Church about where this man was based over his years in the US.

The horror visited upon this woman and her family happened because Catholic Church authorities moved this monster out of Ireland in order to protect the reputation of their corrupt organisation.

By doing so they were knowingly facilitating child rape.

Cardinal Daly: Protector of rapists

Irish Independent columnist John Cooney gives a glowing review of the life of Cardinal Daly who died on New Year’s Eve.

It’s only at the end of the article that Mr. Cooney tells us that the Cardinal lied in regard to his knowledge of the activities of paedophile priest Brendan Smyth.

The article could be summed up as follows:

Cardinal Daly was a brilliant scholar, theologian, philosopher and peacemaker. Oh, and by the way, he also strongly believed that the good of the Catholic Church was more important than protecting children from rape.

But let’s not dwell on that too much.

Longford cathedral

Although I have long ago left my Catholic roots behind I was sad to see the destruction of Longford cathedral.

The building played a leading role in my youth and religious indoctrination. I was baptized, received Holy Communion and was confirmed in the building, I also served as an altar boy there for a number of years.

It’s always sad to see such fine architecture and art destroyed but it must also be a great shock for those who are still faithful to the Catholic Church. My elderly aunt and uncle live near the cathedral and are shocked at its destruction.

One of my brothers worked on the staff and some years ago gave me the ‘royal tour’ from the crypt to the top of the steeple.

Clearly, all records held in the cathedral will have been destroyed, including mine, but I would be amazed if the precaution of making copies wasn’t taken.