Exposing the lie

The following is a ‘Letter to the Editor’ I came across while doing some research. It was published on 24th February 2003.

A chara,

The current frenzy of intemperate attacks on the religious orders remind me of the ruthless attacks of the Nazi cohorts on the Jewish people in Germany in the 1930s.

Side by side with reports of abuses in industrial schools and orphanages have come reports of good and kind treatment of children too – but little or no prominence is given to such good deeds.

In his book on Artane, Patrick Touher, who spent some years there, said: “I realise that the majority of the Brothers were truly dedicated to our care; of course a few bad eggs emerged as in any institution but I know that on the whole the Brothers were doing their best within limited circumstances in hard times and with frightening numbers.”

Every boy in Artane – the full complement was 900 – was given training to learn a trade – carpenter, shoemaker, tailor, baker, barber, etc., – to fit him for future life.

Artane was practically self-sufficient in producing its own milk, vegetables and bread. The salaries of the Brothers were ploughed into the running expenses of the school, while the State paid a minuscule subsidy to the institution.

The much maligned Magdalen Laundries were there for the same reason – to help pay for food and other necessities. In effect, by their efficient and self-sacrificing work in caring for the neglected children of Ireland, the brothers and nuns saved this country enormous sums of money for decades at a time when Ireland’s economy was very poor indeed.

Is mise,
Dollymount Grove,
Dublin 3.

Interesting reference to Nazi cohorts since we’ve learned of the ruthless attacks by religious Nazi cohorts on innocent children in Artane and other religious slave labour camps.

Catholic Church: Crimes against humanity?

Is the Catholic Church guilty of crimes against humanity?

Crimes Against Humanity (A to Z guide) (My emphasis)

To some extent, crimes against humanity overlap with genocide and war crimes. But crimes against humanity are distinguishable from genocide in that they do not require an intent to “destroy in whole or in part,” as cited in the 1948 Genocide Convention, but only target a given group and carry out a policy of “widespread or systematic” violations. Crimes against humanity are also distinguishable from war crimes in that they not only apply in the context of war—they apply in times of war and peace.

Crimes against humanity have existed in customary international law for over half a century and are also evidenced in prosecutions before some national courts.

The most notable of these trials include those of Paul Touvier, Klaus Barbie, and Maurice Papon in France, and Imre Finta in Canada.

But crimes against humanity are also deemed to be part of jus cogens—the highest standing in international legal norms. Thus, they constitute a non-derogable rule of international law.

The implication of this standing is that they are subject to universal jurisdiction, meaning that all States can exercise their jurisdiction in prosecuting a perpetrator irrespective of where the crime was committed.

It also means that all States have the duty to prosecute or extradite, that no person charged with that crime can claim the “political offense exception” to extradition, and that States have the duty to assist each other in securing evidence needed to prosecute.

But of greater importance is the fact that no perpetrator can claim the “defense of obedience to superior orders” and that no statute of limitation contained in the laws of any State can apply. Lastly, no one is immune from prosecution for such crimes, even a head of State.

Nazi scum

Email to CORI (My full address and contact details included)

To Whom It May Concern:

I could go through and analyse all the excuses put forward by your representative on Morning Ireland (5th report, 4th item) this morning but there’s no point as you must already know that every word she spoke was a lie.

I do however wish to inform you, in case there’s the slightest doubt in your mind; that your organisation and all its supporters are no better than Nazi scum.

In deep anger
Anthony Sheridan

Copy to:

St Mary’s
Bloomfield Avenue
email: website: www.cori.ie

CORI Religious Life Office
Bloomfield Avenue
Dublin 4

CORI Justice Office
St Mary’s
Bloomfield Avenue
Dublin 4
Tel: 01/6677 363
Email: justice@cori.ie

CORI Education Office
Bloomfield Avenue
Dublin 4
Email: education@cori.ie

CORI Healthcare Office
Bloomfield Avenue
Dublin 4
Tel: 01 6677349
Email: healthcare@cori.ie

CORI Pastoral Office
Tel: 01/5053025 or 505 3012
Email: anne.codd@iecon.ie

CORI Northern Ireland Office
511 Ormeau Road
Belfast BT 73GS
Email: corini@btconnect.com
Tel: 028 (048 from ROI) 90694443

CORI Child Safeguarding Office
Fr Paul Murphy, ofm cap, is the Director of the CORI Child Protection Office and may be contacted at childprotection@cori.ie
Tel: 01/6677343/345

Catholic Church forces children to eat shit

Well organised and open paedophile rings, brutal slavery supported and protected by the state, widespread rape and torture, children who had their heads pinned down by sash windows before being brutally raped, children stripped naked and forced to engage in brutal combat as entertainment for visiting priests. Children forced to eat their own shit and in one case lick the shit off the shoe of a priest.

I’m not going to mince my words on this matter.

There is little difference between the Catholic Church and the brutal Nazi regime of the 1930s and 40s. The Irish Catholic Church is guilty of crimes against humanity on the same scale and brutality as that Nazi regime but with one crucial difference.

The Nazi regime was eventually challenged and destroyed; many of its leaders and supporters were brought to justice at the Nuremburg Trials and received just punishment.

In the corrupt state of Ireland the criminals who organised and put into effect the brutal holocaust against children are still strongly defended and protected by the State. The names of the brutal monsters are to be kept secret, none are to face justice.

As always the nation has launched itself into a frenzy of talk and analysis in an effort to avoid facing the brutal truth. Already, the media has moved away from the horror and is now focusing on the completely pointless issue of the outrageous deal done between Bertie Ahern and his beloved Nazi church.

I’m going to return to more aspects of this horror but for now I’m just going to focus on one scum priest who really made my blood boil as I listened to him vomiting out at least five well rehearsed but meaningless apologies in the course of a short interview on RTE News (1st report, 6th item).

Brother Kevin Mullan, Christian Brothers’ provincial leader is the vile piece of shit in question. When it was put to this pathetic excuse for a human that his organisation had fought tooth and nail to keep the names of the guilty secret he replied:

“I think in some senses we did that because of the actual balance we felt was needed to be kept in terms of brothers, their families and so on where perhaps we had doubts about some of the allegations.

But on the other hand, at this stage, we have no interest in protecting people that are perpetrators of abuse. I think that’s a matter that has to be dealt with by the civil authorities and we will co-operate fully in this regard.”

So, after the deal was done, after the report has been published, after the victims have been betrayed, after his scum church has been allowed get away with the heinous crimes – he says that they will fully co-operate.

When it was put to this scum priest that perhaps people might not have much faith in such promises he replied:

“I would say our co-operation with the committee was quite fulsome and the committee may say other things about that but I think we co-operated to the very best of our ability.”

It’s grotesquely fascinating to witness how easily representatives of the scum Catholic Church can vomit out lies in defence of their criminal members.

Christine Buckley, a victim of this Nazi church, was asked for her response to this loathsome creature.

“The Christian Brothers showed nothing but arrogance and the glib behaviour…just reading his facial features…I do not think the Christian Brothers are capable of trying to understand. At every level they have tried to have it their own way. Now that the report is published, he doesn’t mind if people are named and shamed, isn’t that a little bit late for us?”

Too late indeed, Christine. And for so long as this country continues to be ruled by scum like Bertie Ahern and other fanatical Catholics it will always be too late for victims.

Mass card petition: Acknowledgement received

I received a written acknowledgement today from the European Parliament (Petition Unit) in response to my submission regarding the criminalisation of those who sell Mass cards without the permission of a Catholic bishop.

Among other things the letter advises:

“Your petition has been forwarded to the Committee on Petitions which will, first of all, take a decision on its admissibility, i.e. on whether the subject of your petition falls within the sphere of the activities of the European Union. If the committee declares it admissible, it will then examine the substance of your petition.

The letter also advises me that the procedure may take some time.

Mass card law: Update

I checked out the website of the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs today regarding the criminalisation of those who sell Mass cards without the permission of a Catholic bishop. Specifically, I wanted to know what a commencement order was and how that affected the enactment of the Charities Act, 2009.

The following is from the website’s Q & A section.

When will the Charities Act come into force?

The enactment of the Bill does not in itself immediately bring the Act into force. It is only when the Minister commences individual provisions sections of the Bill that charities will find themselves with new legal responsibilities.

There is a considerable body of work to be undertaken in preparation for statutory regulation. The Department will be rolling out an implementation plan for the Act.

This plan will ensure that the essential elements are in place to enable the introduction in due course of the statutory regulatory framework provided for in the Act.

In other countries, it has taken a number of years after enactment of the legislation for the new regulatory system for charities to be formally introduced. This is likely to be the case in Ireland also, though some individual provisions of the Act may be commenced before the bulk of the Act is commenced.

I rang the Department and was told by a spokesperson that Section 99, which deals with the selling of Mass cards, should be commenced without any great delay.

I’ll be keeping an eye on the Department’s website and ringing from time to time to check on progress.

Mass card petition acknowledgement

Received the following today from the European Parliament regarding my Mass card petition.

Dear Sir,

Please note that we received your e-mail dated 29.04.2009 (17:05) and that it will be registered as soon as possible.

An official letter with further information will be sent to your postal address.

Best regards,

Parlement européenP
DG Présidence – Unité Activités des Députés

Letter to the bishop

On the same day I submitted a formal complaint to the European Parliament regarding the criminalisation of those who sell Mass cards without the permission of a Catholic bishop I also wrote to the local bishop here in Cobh for permission to sell Mass cards.

I received a curious, minimalist, reply yesterday saying that as a commencement order has not yet been issued the Act remains inoperative.

Fair enough, I’ll check that out with the relevant department next week. The case continues.

Converting the Muslims?

The US Army has rejected allegations that its troops have been trying to convert Afghans to Christianity (Gavin’s Blog).

The report alleges that troops are handing out bibles which have been translated into local Afghan languages.

Such activity is against army regulations but listening to the most senior US Army chaplin at Bagram military base one could be forgiven for thinking that this regulation is largely ignored. Here’s some of what he had to say:

“There’ll never be anybody like Jesus, he’s the one and only, he’s the Messiah. Those Special Forces guys, they hunt men, we do the same thing as Christians we hunt people for Jesus. Hunt em down; get the hound of heaven after them to get them in the Kingdom, right? That’s what we do, that’s our business.”

See here for a discussion on the matter on Al-Jazeera news.

See here for an account of what happens to unbelievers in the US Army.