This letter writer says – We may not be properly capable of governing ourselves.
I have no doubt – we are totally incapable of self government. The citizens of this country would be infinitely better off if they were directly governed from Brussels.
‘Nod and wink’ culture reigns supreme
Yes, Rody Molloy, director general of FAS, should have been shown the door without any financial inducement to do so, and Ceann Comhairle John O’Donoghue should have resigned. But we are expecting far too much.
As Irish people, we should know that doing the right thing is an English public school trait, not an Irish one. Doffing the cap and brazening things out are the two most recognisable Irish virtues, immortalised by Somerville and Ross and others.
It’s a post-colonial condition; we have a landlord lurking in our psyche and we must best him whenever we can. In politics and, let there be no mistake, in the realm of culture also, the fix, the ‘nod and wink’, the ‘we’ll see you right’ philosophy reigns supreme.
When criticism looms, the turf carts are circled.
I think we should begin to accept the fact that we are not a mature country and, indeed, may not be properly capable of governing ourselves.
Like children playing grown-up games, we are far too young to really understand responsibility in the real world, though it’s great fun pretending to be in charge like the adults.
Fred Johnston
Circular Road, Galway