Irish Financial Regulator – Still protecting the scumbags

Senator Shane Ross was writing about the Financial Regulator’s annual report last Sunday. The Senator continues to be astonished and staggered by the activities of our so called regulators.

Here are some of the things that staggered and astonished the Senator.

The chairman of the Financial Regulator, Jim Farrell, is a banker. Farrell was the boss of Citibank for many years. The publication of such details are the norm in accountable democracies but apparently rare in Ireland.

Such incestuous behaviour is not, however, unusual in Ireland. The bankers are on the regulators staff and it is quite common for regulators to end up as bankers after retirement. All part of the ‘old boy’s network’, old chap.

The Senator goes on to speak about the culture of secrecy at the Financial Regulator’s Press Office.

Their instincts for secrecy are ingrained. The watchdog’s press office must be a paranoiac’s paradise. Every question asked, however innocent, receives an evasive answer.

Tell me about it Senator. My efforts to get a straight answer from the Senior Press Officer last week was like trying to get blood from a stone.

And then there’s the ‘business travel’. Last year it came to €795,000 and this year will see a massive 22% increase to over €970,000. But, alas, as the Senator points out, taxpayer’s (peasants) are forbidden from knowing the details because the FR is protected by State secrecy laws.

In common with the rest of the media Senator Ross didn’t seem to notice that Farrell had, apparently, announced a major new policy to replace the principled based approach to financial regulation.

I rang the Department of Finance today to ask some questions about this alleged new policy and what happened, yes you’ve guessed. I received the same treatment that I received from the FR Press Office – waffle, stonewalling and riddles.

So just let me repeat – Neither the financial regulatory system nor the attitude of its staff has changed one iota. It is still the same secretive, arrogant system that has for many years protected the scumbags that infest the Irish financial sector.

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Financial Regulator
Senator Shane Ross

Misplaced loyalty

As time goes on it is becoming more and more obvious that civil servants are more concerned about the interests of their political masters than the interests of citizens.

Consider the following letter published recently in the Irish Independent.


Your lead headline (July 5) was predictable in its timing, but not only was it boringly repetitive, it was wholly inaccurate. TDs will not ‘cut and run’ for a ‘three-month holiday’.

Rather, the Dail and Seanad will be in recess until mid- September. During what you describe as a ‘holiday’, up to 40 parliamentary committee meetings will also be conducted.

Moreover, members will continue to conduct a wide range of constituency duties, a function that they fulfil seven days a week throughout the year. The Oireachtas actually compares well with other parliaments – it has a below average number of recess (nonsitting) weeks per year, Of parliaments we surveyed recently, it has the fourth least number of recess weeks.

It also has fewer recess weeks than Germany, Finland, Sweden and Denmark – countries often admired for their democracy.

In relation to sitting days, our parliament records second place in the same survey with a total of 1278 sitting hours and 177 sitting days for both houses per year. This is ahead of other two chamber parliaments, such as South Africa and Australia.

Finally, where parliamentary questions arise, the Oireachtas, with 40,875 questions tabled, rates second place out of the nine parliaments we surveyed.
I’d ask your readers to consider these points when forming a more considered opinion of the work of members of the Houses of the Oireachtas.

Mark Mulqueen
Head of Communications
Houses of the Oireachtas

Here’s an extract from the Civil Service Code of Standards and Behaviour as outlined on the Standards in Public Office Commission website.

(d) All civil servants above clerical level are totally debarred from engaging in any form of political activity.

Civil servants in category (d) may not engage in public debate (e.g. letter writing to newspapers, contributions to television or radio programmes, etc.) on politics except if required to do so as part of their official duties.

Real Madrid enters the same league as FÁS

Real Madrid, one of the richest football teams in the world which proudly includes on its team Cristiano Ronaldo, the most expensive footballer in the world, has arrived in Carton House, County Kildare for pre-season training camp (Irish Independent).

Real Madrid management will, I believe, only agree to send their super rich, super talented people to locations which provide world class facilities and security; only the very best is acceptable and cost is never a factor.

So, how were Real Madrid management finally convinced that Carton House was the very best that money could buy?

Simple, they heard that it satisfied the exacting standards and expensive tastes of FÁS staff.

Drennan finally sees the light

I’m delighted to see that Sunday Independent journalist and (former?) Haugheyite, John Drennan, has at last realized what kind of a country he lives in.

Here’s some of what Drennan had to say in 2007 in defence of his hero the corrupt Haughey, the man, more than any other, who is responsible for turning Ireland into the banana republic it is today.

Why Haughey was never found to be corrupt:

Mr. Haughey was merely following precedents set by such illustrious figures as O’Connell and Parnell.

Reason for perception that Haughey was corrupt:

Haughey’s ‘corruption’ is the fantastical creation of a petit bourgeoisie of Tim Healy-style hysteria mongers, whose insipid viciousness explains their expertise in the price of everything and their ignorance about the value of anything.

On Haughey’s ‘fiscal probity’:

Mr. Haughey did make money courtesy of some good advice from patriotic sources.

On taking money from businessmen:

Of course Mr. Haughey did take money from Ben Dunne and other public-spirited businessmen. However, this was for life-style as distinct to political purposes.

On Haughey’s ‘insourcing’ of the FF leader’s allowance:

It was in payment for putting his home at Kinsealy at the service of the nation.

On Haughey’s tax problems:

Mr. Haughey did have some minor tax problems. However, unless you are in love with the lifeless technicalities of accountancy it would be easy to believe a gift is not a salary.

On Haughey’s refusal to cooperate with tribunals:

Some would argue that a refusal to obey those semi-legal, amoral instruments of oppression that collude with simpering creeps like Frank Dunlop as both try to save their respective skins was a genuine act of patriotism.

Real reason for hatred of Haughey:

The hatred of Haughey is all about the challenge he posed to a society which was petrified by notions of class…” (Quotes PJ Mara; ‘Haughey’s enemies thought they were ‘the fucking aristocracy.’).

Ireland without Haughey’s type:

…a dandified, foppish, lattefied, hygiene-obsessed, anti-smoking and anti-drinking (unless it’s a glass of red wine for the heart) school of bourgeois… a hissing, pissy, sanctimonious hysterical desert, which could only be invented by the petite bourgeoisie.

Phew – Did this man love Haughey and his standards or what?

Now Drennan, having finally woken up, is talking revolution against the inheritors of the corrupt Haughey’s legacy. Here are some quotes from yesterday’s article.

While the hanging bit is a tad excessive, when it comes to numbers Mr Swift may actually have been too prescriptive — for any bonfire of our Tiger nonentities should include a right good sprinkling of politicians, clerics, regulators, barristers, mandarins and social partners.

Last week, as the IMF unveiled Ireland’s status as a failed political entity, the collective immunity to reason that has gripped our leaders was epitomised by Brian Lenihan’s apparently sincere boast that we were on “the right track”.

What may have far more serious consequences is the apparent belief of our political dullards that, even though the country they created now resembles a pyramid scheme devised by con artists, life should go on as normal.

However, although they are incapable of recognising it, the real truth is that the Ireland created by the “Spoilt Princes” and “Marie Antoinettes” of Fianna Fail is now so damaged that the system needs the sort of revolution where things are busted up and put together again in a radically different way. (This is exactly what needs to be done)

Any transformation in the way this country works needs to start with taking the axe to the top civil service mandarins who have turned this country into an economic tiphead.

we need to select at least six of the top mandarins, line them up against a wall and sack them pour encourager les autres.

The axe need not be confined to our greedy, inept mandarins. It is past time that the salaries of greedy ministers, greedy judges, greedy barristers, greedy university professors and even greedier hospital consultants are halved — and if you people want to revolt, then try your luck in the private sector.

Nothing epitomised the dazed, disengaged incompetent nature of a Cabinet whose capacity to rule is totally compromised by its incestuous relationship with vested interests, more than Dermot Ahern’s recent astonishing claim that he was in politics because it puts money on the table.

So far, the response of the people and our elite to this transformation has been one of dazed stupefaction. However, unless Mr Cowen gets ahead of the people and starts to do the work required to rescue us, he may learn that no amount of sunshine will save him from a revolt by a nation which has been betrayed almost beyond reason by its elite.

Welcome to the Public Inquiry way of thinking Mr. Drennan.

Judges join politicians and bankers in the lifeboats

The ongoing financial crisis continues to strip away the pretence that Ireland is a functioning, democratic country. The judiciary is the latest untouchable elite to be exposed as greedy, self serving and unpatriotic.

In 1959 a Supreme Court ruling held that a tax wouldn’t affect judicial independence if it didn’t discriminate against judges. The pension levy applies to all public servants and therefore does not discriminate against judges.

The judges, with the full cooperation of the political elite, are cynically exploiting the Constitution for their own greedy ends.

Only 19 of the country’s 148 judges have volunteered to make a contribution in lieu of the public service pension levy.

According to Brian Cowen judges have until the end of the year to decide whether to make a contribution and he believes more will do so.

Brian Cowen is wrong. There is no time limit by which the judges have to decide whether to pay up or not. How could there be a time limit if, as we are asked to believe, it is unconstitutional to force judges to pay the levy?

When the politicians were asked to play their part in rescuing the country from financial ruin they steadfastly refused to do so. Instead they jettisoned any pretence of leadership and opted to fight tooth and nail to hold onto every cent they could no matter how bad things get for those they would claim to lead.

Similarly, bankers and senior civil servants who played a leading part in the destruction of our country were allowed to walk away with massive pensions and bonuses.

Judges are just the latest cosseted elite who believe that they should be allowed to retain all their wealth and privileges while the peasants pay the full price.

The analogy with Titanic is apt – As the ship (of state) sinks to its doom all the elites are heading for the lifeboats with their jewels and fur coats while the peasants are locked in steerage and told they must make the ultimate sacrifice so that their betters may survive and prosper.

Monageer: A new low in accountability

The Monageer Report marks a new low in the administration of our corrupt state.

Fine Gael TD, Alan Shatter wrote an excellent and hard hitting article on the scandal last Thursday in the Irish Independent. Here are some quotes from the article with my comments.

“It is unacceptable in a mature European parliamentary democracy that the report of an inquiry into the deaths of four people including two children murdered by one or both of their parents — and the dealings of state agencies with the family, should be censored.”

Of course Shatter is right; such behaviour would be totally unacceptable in a mature European parliamentary democracy. But in a corrupt backwater state run by ruthless and uncaring politicians it is, sadly, all too acceptable.

“Publication on Tuesday of the Monageer inquiry report with substantial factual background obliterated by black ink at the behest of the Minister for Children is the type of scandalous government conduct and cover-up expected only in totalitarian dictatorships.”


“State agencies and their employees should be properly accountable for the fulfillment of their statutory functions. Ministers in Government are also accountable for their supervision of such agencies and for the extent to which resources are provided to enable them to properly carry out their statutory duties.”

This is the case in real democracies but when State agencies and politicians confer upon themselves powers that border on the absolute, as has happened in Ireland, then accountability is no longer an issue. Democratic accountability will only become an issue again when the present corrupt system is completely destroyed.

“For the first time in the history of the State a report has had seven of the inquiry team’s recommendations censored and blacked out…”

“Consequently, there is no way of assessing in the future the extent to which they have been implemented…”

“It is reasonable to assume that they were censored because their publication would reveal undisclosed inadequacies in existing services and their concealment protects the Government from criticism in the future for not implementing the seven recommendations…”

“This scandalous and disreputable conduct by the Government and the ministers concerned is intolerable…”

“It seems clear from the approach taken by the Government and the relevant ministers that their priority is to protect the political reputation of Government members and to protect the professional reputation of those who made mistakes…”

“It seems this is a greater priority than to protect the future welfare of children.”

As we have seen on many occasions in the past, the protection of children and even the lives of citizens take second place when it comes to protecting the careers and interests of politicians and public servants.

How many taxpayer's euros does it take to change a light bulb – €366

Interesting figures revealed at the annual conference of the Garda Representative Association yesterday on Office of Public Works expenditure in garda stations (RTE News, 23rd minute).

€15,000 refurbishing a gym in Letterkenny for which they got a quote for €5,000

€15,000 to put a shower in Ballinahassig garda station.

€4,000 for ten square yards of floor covering in Churchhill garda station.

In other stations:

€1,100 to replace three light bulbs.

€9,500 to take down a central wall.

€36,000 to install a garage door.

It’s the same old story – when the taxpayer is forking out just name your price.

Great scandal and nobody bats an eyelid

On last Friday’s Late Late Show, Fianna Fail TD John McGuinness, repeated the following statement which he first made in September 2008.

“The public service destroys ambition, resists change and is so insulated from reality that information can be withheld from a minister, unfavourable reports are doctored and answers to parliamentary questions are master classes in dissemination and obfuscation.”

If a serving minister in an accountable democracy accused civil servants of doctoring unfavourable reports it would be a cause of great scandal and would spark an immediate investigation by state authorities.

In Ireland, nobody batted an eyelid.

HIQA joins HSE in the sewer of cynical strategies

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) was set up only two years ago and already it has descended into the sewer in company with the Health Service Executive (HSE).

Just like the HSE, HIQA has now apparently adopted the cynical strategy of waiting for the most opportune moment to bury unfavourable reports (Irish Independent).

It became clear that HIQA had descended into the sewer of cynical strategies when they published the report into Rebecca O’Malley’s misdiagnosis on the day Bertie Ahern resigned.

Nobody knew in advance that Ahern was resigning but it’s likely that HIQA had the report ready and were waiting for the right moment.

It could have been argued that this was perhaps just a coincidence, like all the other amazing ‘coincidences’ in Irish public life but the latest report publications leave us in no doubt that HIQA has abandoned its commitment to “operate to the highest standards of corporate governance.”

The report into cancer misdiagnosis at University College Hospital Galway was published (buried) on the eve of the Budget when it was certain to go unnoticed by the media.

Another report; that of the misdiagnosis of Ann Moriarty, was published (buried) just after the budget and before the Easter Bank Holiday weekend.

Karl Henry, whose wife died of breast cancer a year ago after doctors failed to diagnose her cancer in Ennis General Hospital, said:

“It is a cheap stunt. Are we being taken for complete and utter fools?”

Unfortunately, we are being taken for complete fools. The person/s in HIQA who are responsible for publishing these reports are probably congratulating themselves on how clever they are as they head off to enjoy the long weekend.

By next week it’s likely that their betrayal of the people they claim to serve will be forgotten as they consider how best to bury the next report.

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