The people now know what you are Mr. Ross



By Anthony Sheridan

For decades Shane Ross has campaigned against political corruption. Here he is angrily attacking the system over the (corrupt) political appointment of judges.

Now what does that tell you about the system here? It tells me one thing, that you’re as bad as the ones that came before you…

What I see here today is you and your senior cabinet colleagues putting up some sort of a smokescreen but basically what you’re trying to do is defend the (corrupt) system as it always has been.

Ross was elected to challenge the corrupt political system. His decision to support the Government’s Apple appeal has betrayed that trust.

His once in a lifetime opportunity to do real damage to the corrupt system that he has fought against for so long – has evaporated.

He is now just another gombeen politician who will support the corrupt system until the people throw him out.

His betrayal is copper-fastened by his abandonment of the passionate, angry and articulate attacks on the system (as quoted above) to be replaced by the standard gombeen language of insulting, patronising platitudes.

I’m very, very keen from now on that multinationals should be seen to be paying their fair share of tax.

The people now know Mr. Ross that you too are as bad as the ones who came before you.

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