Cowen-Gate affair rolls on

There’s a good selection of letters in today’s Irish Times on the Cowen paintings affair. Here’s two, one very funny and the other very accurate.


If I find there is an intruder sneaking around my home in the middle of the night, should I dial 999 and tell the operator that someone is attempting to nail a painting to my wall without permission? Because that seems to be a very effective way of getting the gardaí to respond quickly. I certainly won’t tell them that there’s a gang of bankers in the kitchen rummaging through my wallet.

Yours, etc,

Sandymount Road,
Dublin 4.


The unfolding story of Cowen-Gate is an almost perfect parable of the life and abilities of this Government and Fianna Fáil.

With our economy in tatters, our education and health care systems decimated, more people unemployed than ever before, and cronyism and corruption rife in Irish life, it takes two satirical portraits of Brian Cowen in the nip and the ridiculous attempts to censor the coverage of them, for people to finally realise that the emperor has no clothes.

Sad to say, it seems that we are living in a banana republic without either the good weather or the bi-annual excitement of a change of government.

Yours etc,
Leinster Place,
Dublin 6.

2 thoughts on “Cowen-Gate affair rolls on”

  1. What a breath of fresh air the letters page of the Irish Times is each morning. It demonstrates that there are at least some people out there who have copped on to the sham that passes for government in this country. Alas there are so few of them.

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