Catholic Church: The brutal truth

By Anthony Sheridan

Truth poses the single greatest threat to those who wield power within a corrupt political/administrative system such as the one that currently operates in Ireland.

The corrupt and those who support the corrupt must ensure that the truth is denied, warped or simply ignored.

We witness this culture of truth denying in abundance in response to the latest atrocities committed by the Catholic Church.

So here’s the truth in all its brutality:

The crimes committed by the Catholic Church in Tuam and countless other locations around the country since the foundation of the State are nothing less than crimes against humanity.

Crimes against humanity: Certain acts that are deliberately committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population or an identifiable part of a population.

Cimes against humanity are not isolated or sporadic events but are part either of a government policy or of a wide practice of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a government or a de facto authority.


The following are just some of the crimes against humanity committed by the Catholic Church in Ireland.


Human experimentation

Extrajudicail punishments

Forced disappearances


Unjust imprisonment




Child trafficking

Operation of forced labour camps

Brain washing

Sale of corpes to medical establishments

Illegal disposal of victim’s bodies


The following people, organisations and institutions are directly responsible for these crimes against humanity.

The Catholic Church from the Pope down to the individual nuns and priests who committed the crimes.

The politicans who handed over absolute power to the Catholic Church.

State institutions such as the Gardai, Dept. of Justice, Dept. of Education, those responsible for child welfare to name just a few.

The following mealy-mouthed excuses do not in any way exonerate those guilty of crimes against humanity.

They Catholic Church did more good than bad.

It was in the context of the time.

We’re all to blame.

We were just obeying orders.

The whole thing is exaggerated.

The fathers are to blame.

The families of the victims are to blame.

The British are to blame.

We must learn lessons and move on (without looking back).

If these excuses are acceptable, and many defenders of the Catholic Church do accept them, then the great bulk of Nazi concentration camp commandants/guards are also innocent.

When the people of Ireland remove the corrupt political system that played a major role in these crimes against humanity and replace it with a properly functioning democratic republic the following actions should be taken.

A formal complaint of crimes against humanity against the Catholic Church and other religions submitted to the International Court of Justice in the Hague.

An immediate and wide-ranging criminal investigation by the Gardai.

The immediate seizure of church property to be liquified and used to compensate the survivers.

The immediate freezing of all church financial assets as a stick to ensure compliance with state authorities.

A complete separation of Church and State.

A complete secularisation of all state funded schools and hospitals.

Anything less than the above measures will constitute a further crime against the countless thousands of victims of the Catholic Church.