Mary O’Rourke has more respect for the criminal Haughey than she has for the people of Ireland.

In her recent memoir Mary O’Rourke dedicated a chapter in honour of her long-time friend, the criminal politician Haughey.

I say ‘in honour’ because O’Rourke makes no analysis or comment on the criminal’s career/crimes. The chapter simply relates her cosy Christmas visit to the criminal’s home.

O’Rourke’s visit to Haughey after he had been exposed as a corrupt politician and her decision to dedicate a chapter to the criminal tells us that she has more respect and admiration for the traitor than she does for her country.

She is, in effect, saying to the people of Ireland:

I don’t care what damage Haughey’s criminality and corruption did to you, to your children, to your dreams and ambitions or to your country; I place my loyalty to him above all that is important to you.