Monageer: A new low in accountability

The Monageer Report marks a new low in the administration of our corrupt state.

Fine Gael TD, Alan Shatter wrote an excellent and hard hitting article on the scandal last Thursday in the Irish Independent. Here are some quotes from the article with my comments.

“It is unacceptable in a mature European parliamentary democracy that the report of an inquiry into the deaths of four people including two children murdered by one or both of their parents — and the dealings of state agencies with the family, should be censored.”

Of course Shatter is right; such behaviour would be totally unacceptable in a mature European parliamentary democracy. But in a corrupt backwater state run by ruthless and uncaring politicians it is, sadly, all too acceptable.

“Publication on Tuesday of the Monageer inquiry report with substantial factual background obliterated by black ink at the behest of the Minister for Children is the type of scandalous government conduct and cover-up expected only in totalitarian dictatorships.”


“State agencies and their employees should be properly accountable for the fulfillment of their statutory functions. Ministers in Government are also accountable for their supervision of such agencies and for the extent to which resources are provided to enable them to properly carry out their statutory duties.”

This is the case in real democracies but when State agencies and politicians confer upon themselves powers that border on the absolute, as has happened in Ireland, then accountability is no longer an issue. Democratic accountability will only become an issue again when the present corrupt system is completely destroyed.

“For the first time in the history of the State a report has had seven of the inquiry team’s recommendations censored and blacked out…”

“Consequently, there is no way of assessing in the future the extent to which they have been implemented…”

“It is reasonable to assume that they were censored because their publication would reveal undisclosed inadequacies in existing services and their concealment protects the Government from criticism in the future for not implementing the seven recommendations…”

“This scandalous and disreputable conduct by the Government and the ministers concerned is intolerable…”

“It seems clear from the approach taken by the Government and the relevant ministers that their priority is to protect the political reputation of Government members and to protect the professional reputation of those who made mistakes…”

“It seems this is a greater priority than to protect the future welfare of children.”

As we have seen on many occasions in the past, the protection of children and even the lives of citizens take second place when it comes to protecting the careers and interests of politicians and public servants.

3 thoughts on “Monageer: A new low in accountability”

  1. Yes, the censorship and lies are more reminiscent of Soviet style totalitarianism or Martin Goebells,handling of news during the Third Reich.
    Sadly few citizens care-until it directly impinges on their own situation.We dont have a christian community here in Ireland which looks to -and acts for- the common good.It’s an “every man for himself” philosophy.

  2. What sort of recommendations were in this report that the powers-that-be felt “had” to be censored? It’s unlikely that specific people were castigated or blamed, so what “legal issues” could be involved?
    The 2 questions that should be asked are:

    Q1. Who could benefit by having this report censored?
    A1. The government.

    Q2. Who could lose out by having this report censored?
    A2. The rest of us.

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