When the Minister for Social Protection, Éamon Ó Cuív was asked on The Week in Politics about the €1.5 million top-up to Bank of Ireland chief executive Richie Boucher’s pension he replied:
I don’t understand why people like him who made a total mess of the banks and our economy doesn’t voluntary hand back some of what they have.
Could the explanation be that Mr. Boucher is following the example of some serving TDs, ministers and one former Taoiseach, who played no small part in the downfall of our country, continuing to draw down massive pensions in addition to a very generous salary?
Éamon Ó Cuív has been puzzled by many things for a long, long time.
Asking bankers and politicos to hand back some of their obscene salaries/pensions is Like asking Bonnie & Clyde to return their loot to the bank!
You will find that he is one of the only good guys in there. Hes also the cleverest minister and the only one with any experience of running a business.